We work on a unique agenda with success stories of outstanding companies, demonstrations of the latest technological solutions, market studies with the latest trends and spaces with talent as protagonist.

Programa de contenidos


Trabajamos en una agenda única con casos de éxito de empresas destacadas, demostraciones de las últimas soluciones tecnológicas, estudios de mercado con las últimas tendencias y espacios con el talento y la formación como protagonistas.

Industry Showcase

We’ll seek out, display and recognise the country’s most notable projects which, thanks to technological innovation, are making it possible to overcome the main challenges in different areas of society: Digitalization, Circular Economy and Tech Transfer. We will also address the challenges that the industry faces in terms of generation, distribution, and storage, end uses, and H2 training.


Smart Chemistry Smart Future will return to Expoquimia to showcase the huge potential of chemistry when it comes to achieving the sustainable development goals.

Smart Chemistry Smart Future

XV Congreso Mediterráneo de Ingeniería Química


The 2030 Agenda will provide the focus of the sessions at the congress, which will feature talks with renowned international speakers on its return to a physical format at Expoquimia.

Not included in your professional registration for Expoquimia.

Tech Transfer & Innovation Area


Innovation exhibition space, where European Projects, Start-ups and Spin-offs will be presenting their research, technologies, services and products.
The chemical industry celebrates its big night

This public relations event aims to bring together and showcase the contributions of the chemical industry in industryal, social and economic circles.

An exclusive event for 350 people to which businesses and organisations can invite their most important customers and stakeholders.


Side Events

More information coming soon.

In partnership with:

Included in your professional registration for Expoquimia.


And also… the Parallel Events programme provides an excellent opportunity to get to know the activities and proposals of our partners and collaborators.

V Forum of natural cosmetics

30 MAY//09.30am-3.10pM

Beauty Cluster and Mentactiva organize this 360° event that aims to share information and discuss the strategy and marketing of natural products, regulation, formulation and market status.


APQ and H2 Security Day

30 may//9.30am-2.30pm

BEQUINOR, together with the Ministry of Industry and the Directorate General of Industry of the Ministry of Enterprise and Labour of the Generalitat de Catalunya, is organising this Conference, which will present the most relevant aspects of the work in progress on the next version of the RAPQ Guide, as well as BEQUINOR’s Hydrogen Safety Guide.


Marketplace of innovative solutions in circular economy

30 may//9.30am-2.30pm

Expoquimia and ACCIÓ, as part of the ProACCIÓ Green programme, are organizing a marketplace in circular economy on 31 May to present innovative solutions for the chemical industry.


Col·legi Oficial de Químics de Catalunya at Expoquimia

30 may - 1 junio

The Col·legi Oficial de Químics de Catalunya proposes the following conferences:

  • Safety in the handling of fluids
  • Business trends in the chemical industry in Catalonia
  • The dual degree in chemistry. A talent opportunity for companies.


Procurement Day Catalunya 2023

31 may//10.00am-3.45pm

This is an event that aims to broaden the knowledge of Procurement professionals on current issues, tools, and trends, as well as to interconnect and generate networking among professionals. It will take place on 31 May as part of Expoquimia.


Challenges and trends in chemical engineering: from circular economy to decarbonisation

31 may//11.00am-14.30pm

Conference, with four presentations, including “The power of data at the service of the circular economy. Contradictions between objectives and legislative measures, Circular economy from innovation. An ITQ perspective, Circular bioeconomy: production of iron nanoparticles from waste from the olive oil industry for biogas generation and Catalytic development as a key element in the circular economy”.


Quality control for the cosmetic industry

01 june//10.00am-2.30pm

This session will address the news and critical points related to quality regulations, raw materials, processes, finished product, and methodologies.


Circularity keys for materials used in packaging

01 june//12.00pm-1.30pm

As a partner of this event, PACKNET will participate by organising a Round Table under the title “Keys to circularity on the materials used in packaging” scheduled for June 1st from 12.00 pm to 1.30 pm.


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