
FEIQUE presents the “Smart Chemistry Smart Future – Green Deal Edition” programme for Expoquimia 2023

The Spanish Chemical Industry Business Federation (Feique) has published the preliminary agenda of more than 25 smarttalks and events to be held in the Agora of the Smart Chemistry Smart Future space, an initiative it is organising for the fourth consecutive year as part of the International Chemistry tradefair, Expoquimia, which will be held from 31 May to 2 June at Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Via venue. Under the slogan “Green Deal Edition”, its main purpose will be to show how the chemical sector is leading the development of innovative technologies and processes that will be essential to achieve Europe’s ambitious climate targets for 2050 as set out in the European Green Pact.


The chemical industry is leading the way in R&D&I investment in the entire industry, as it is essential for developing the technologies that will be necessary to move towards net zero emissions. In this line, Smart Chemistry Smart Future – Green Deal Edition will develop in its Agora a full programme of events and smarttalks in which renowned experts from the main companies and associations of the Spanish chemical sector will present the latest projects, innovations and trends that the chemical industry is developing to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal, showing how chemistry has a great capacity to improve and change the world through innovative solutions to the great challenges of today. Solutions in areas as decisive for a sustainable future as circularity, decarbonisation, energy efficiency, disruptive products and processes such as green hydrogen or the capture, use and storage of CO2, chemical recycling technologies for materials such as plastics, containers and packaging, vehicle batteries or new sustainable production processes that companies are already adopting in order to be more sustainable in their activity, among others.

Bearing in mind that the chemical industry supplies products and technologies to 98% of the productive sectors and is at the base of countless production chains, these processes, technologies and materials are facilitating the development of sustainable production processes, technologies and materials.
processes, technologies and materials are facilitating the decarbonisation of both supply chains and the activity of the chemical sector itself. They aim to accelerate Europe’s transition to climate neutrality by 2050, while also contributing to the circular economy and strengthening resilient supply chains.

These technologies are also aligned with the Zero Net Emissions Industry Act of the Green Deal Industrial Plan to contribute to increasing clean technology manufacturing in Europe and ensure that the EU is technologically ready for the energy transition. In fact, the EU has a target that, by 2030, the manufacturing capacity of this type of technology must be sufficient to meet at least 40% of the annual needs of the EU as a whole.

Smarttalks and other events to showcase the chemical sector’s contribution to the EU Green Deal
16 leading companies and organisations in the sector will be responsible for giving voice to the industry’s projects: Asociación Empresarial Química de Tarragona (AEQT), Air Liquide, BASF, Bondalti, Carburos Metálicos, Cepsa, Clúster Químico de Tarragona (ChemMed), Covestro, Dow, Ercros, Grupo Industrias Químicas del Ebro (IQE), Ineos Inovyn, Asociación de Empresas Químicas de la Comunidad Valenciana (Quimacova), Quimidroga and Repsol. The Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) is a collaborating entity; Institutional partners: el Foro Química y Sociedad, la Plataforma Tecnológica y de Innovación Española de Química Sostenible SusChem España and ChemSpain and Media parters: Diari de Tarragona, Retema, Grupo Joly, Interempresas, Proyectos Químicos and Confidencial Químico.

In addition to the smarttalks offered by the leading companies and organisations in the sector, a series of plenary sessions will be organised with the participation of the Commissioner for the Decarbonisation PERTE of MINCOTUR, Luis Colunga, to analyse the horizon of the Decarbonisation PERTE for the chemical sector; the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), which will present the latest developments in terms of public aid for R&D&I projects; the new SCRAP Envalora, to evaluate the Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging Waste affecting the sector; ICEX Export and Investment, which will present the new internationalisation plan for the Spanish chemical sector; and the Chemistry and Society Forum, which will organise a round table discussion on the new professional skills that will be required in the short and medium term in view of the new training needs and professional profiles linked to the new areas of decarbonisation technologies.

About Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Created in 2014 and promoted by Feique and Expoquimia, Smart Chemistry Smart Future is the initiative that brings together the leading organisations in the chemical sector with the aim of highlighting the great innovative capacity of this industry to respond to the demands of society, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Green Deal and as a strategic sector for the economy that generates wealth and quality employment.

Feique is the Spanish Chemical Industry Business Federation that represents and defends the interests of the Spanish chemical sector in more than 150 committees and executive bodies of both public administration and private organisations. Its mission is to promote the expansion and competitive development of an innovative chemical industry that contributes to the generation of wealth, employment and products that improve the well-being and quality of life of people and their environment, contributing to Sustainable Development.

The Spanish chemical industry is a sector made up of more than 3,100 companies which, with an annual turnover of more than 89,866 million euros, generates 13.8% of the Gross Industrial Product and 5.6% of the National GDP, as well as 800,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs, which represents 4.6% of the total working population of Spain. The chemical sector is the largest exporter in the Spanish economy and the leading investor in R&D&I and environmental protection.

About Expoquimia
Organised by Fira de Barcelona, Expoquimia is the largest chemistry meeting forum in southern Europe. Held every three years, the event showcases the potential of the Spanish chemical sector with nearly 300 exhibiting companies and an extensive scientific and industrial programme comprising a large number of congresses, conferences and seminars.
In this 20th edition, Expoquimia will take place from 30 May to 2 June at the Gran Vía venue.

19th April 2023

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