
Production Management Software (PMS) at Linasa

Industry Showcase Digitalization

Thursday 01, 11:50h - 12:05h | HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
01-06-2023 11:50 01-06-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid Production Management Software (PMS) at Linasa

Design and development of a customised factory management computer system that allows the management, control and monitoring of the existing production plants and packaging lines in the Linasa factory (Murcia), resulting from this the total traceability of the product made. This software includes all the modules of a MES system (production control) and it complements them turning it into a global factory software. Being a “System” totally interconnected with the different existing software (ERP, SGA, GMAO, DCS, LIMS, etc). Becoming a technological enabler of the TQM (Total Quality Management) principles.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

Design and development of a customised factory management computer system that allows the management, control and monitoring of the existing production plants and packaging lines in the Linasa factory (Murcia), resulting from this the total traceability of the product made. This software includes all the modules of a MES system (production control) and it complements them turning it into a global factory software. Being a “System” totally interconnected with the different existing software (ERP, SGA, GMAO, DCS, LIMS, etc). Becoming a technological enabler of the TQM (Total Quality Management) principles.


